As Seen On

As a freelance food writer and photographer my work has been featured in the print and online news and magazine publications pictured below.

Book Publications

I have published three digital cookbooks. Two are meat-based ones before going meatless. They are An Epiphany of the Senses and Spicie Chicken.

The third cookbook is my Tamales Made Meatless cookbook, which was published in October of 2021.

Mexican Tamales Made Meatless

I’ve also published Yummy Pics, a popular how-to guidebook to the art of photographing food.

My first cookbook was An Epiphany of the Senses, an eclectic collection of spicy recipes from around the world.

Additionally I have been a part of the following group book publications: Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook, Publish Your Lunch: How to Earn Money Food Blogging, Project Egg ~ 25 Cracking Recipes, Backpacker Recipe Guide of December 2011.

5 Essentials of Meatless Mexican Cooking
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